Affiliate disclaimer

Please be assured I only review wines that I have sampled myself and will only post a review if the wine is one I can genuinely recommend.

The majority of the wines reviewed have been purchased at my own expense, though I do accept samples for review. However, my goal is to be fair and objective in all my reviews and if I don’t consider a wine to be a good wine, I won’t post a review, irrespective of how I obtained it.

Similarly, any products, courses or services I write about and recommend are those that I have used or use myself. So everything is tried and tested, and if it’s a restaurant, I have eaten there; if it’s a book, I’ve read it; if it’s a course, I’ve done it.

Please note my posts may contain affiliate links which means that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. However, the content of my posts is not influenced by financial incentives and I do not give any preferential treatment to affiliate products or services.