Wine of the Month – another outstanding wine from Gutter & Stars! A real treat for the palate …

Gutter & Stars ‘Fight the Power’ Ortega 2022

This is another outstanding wine from Cambridge’s urban winery, Gutter & Stars. Made from 100% Ortega grapes grown at Yew Tree Vineyard in Oxfordshire, the wine was fermented in oak barrels before further ageing on the lees.

The result is a perfectly balanced, inviting wine with a velvety mouthfeel and a lengthy finish.  It is, quite simply, a real pleasure to drink!

With honeysuckle, peach, and pear drops on the nose, and peach and citrus fruit flavours on the palate, this is a wonderful expression of the Ortega grape. Enjoy it as an apéritif, or with a seafood, chicken or vegetable dish. 

Available from Gutter & Stars and Grape Britannia (£25-£30)